Sun Java System Access Manager
7.1 Release Notes
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4150 Network Circle
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Part No: 819–4683–10
March 2007
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes .......................................................................5
What’s New in This Release ...................................................................................................................6
Java ES Monitoring Framework Integration ...............................................................................6
Web Service Security ......................................................................................................................7
Deprecation Notification and Announcement ........................................................................ 10
Access Manager Policy Agents ................................................................................................... 15
Upgrade Issues ............................................................................................................................. 16
Compatibility Issues .................................................................................................................... 16
Access Manager Console Issues ................................................................................................. 21
Authentication Issues .................................................................................................................. 23
Linux OS Issues ............................................................................................................................ 29
Windows and HP-UX Issues ...................................................................................................... 30
Federation and SAML Issues ...................................................................................................... 30
Globalization (g11n) Issues ........................................................................................................ 31
Additional Sun Resources .................................................................................................................. 35
Related Third-Party Web Sites .......................................................................................................... 36
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
Sun Java System
Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
March 2007
Part Number 819-4683-10
The Sun JavaTM System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes contain important information
available for the Sun Java Enterprise System (Java ES) release, including new Access Manager
features and known issues with workarounds, if available. Read this document before you
install and use this release.
To view the Java ES product documentation, including the Access Manager collection, see
Check this site prior to installing and setting up your software and then periodically thereafter
to view the most up-to-date documentation.
These Release Notes Contain the following sections:
Revision History
Revision History
The following table shows the Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes revision history.
TABLE 1 RevisionHistory
Description of Changes
July 2006
March 2007
Beta release.
Java Enterprise System 5 release
About Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1
Sun Java System Access Manager is part of the Sun Identity Management infrastructure that
allows an organization to manage secure access to Web applications and other resources both
within an enterprise and across business-to-business (B2B) value chains.
Access Manager provides these main functions:
Centralized authentication and authorization services using both role-based and rule-based
access control
Single sign-on (SSO) for access to an organization's Web-based applications
Federated identity support with the Liberty Alliance Project and Security Assertions
Markup Language (SAML)
Logging of critical information including administrator and user activities by Access
Manager components for subsequent analysis, reporting, and auditing.
What’s New inThis Release
This release includes the following new features:
Java ES Monitoring Framework Integration
Access Manager 7.1 integrates with the Java Enterprise System monitoring framework through
Java Management Extensions (JMX). JMX technology provides the tools for building
distributed, Web-based, modular, and dynamic solutions for managing and monitoring
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
What’s New inThis Release
devices, applications, and service-driven networks. Typical uses of the JMX technology include:
consulting and changing application configuration, accumulating statistics about application
behavior, notification of state changes and erroneous behaviors. Data is delivered to centralized
monitoring console.
Access Manager 7.1 uses the Java ES Monitoring Framework to capture statistics and
service-related data such as the following:
Number of attempted, successful, and failed authentications
Policy caching statistics
Policy evaluation transaction times
Web Service Security
Access Manager 7.1 extends authentication capabilities to web services in the following ways:
Inserts tokens to outgoing messages
Evaluates incoming messages for security tokens
Enables point-and-click selection of Authentication providers for new applications
Single Access ManagerWAR file deployment
Access Manager includes a single WAR file you can use to deploy Access Manager services
consistently to any supported container on any supported platform. The Access Manager WAR
file coexists with the Java Enterprise System installer which deploys multiple JAR, XML, JSP,
HTML, GIF, and various properties files.
Enhancements to Core Services
Web Containers supported
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0
Sun Java System Application Server 8.2
BEA WL 8.1 SP4
IBM WebSphere
Monitoring Framework Integration
Access Manager can use the JES Monitoring Framework to monitor the following:
1. Authentication
Number of authentications attempted
Number of remote authentications attempted (optional)
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
What’s New inThis Release
Number of successful authentications
Number of failed authentications
Number of successful logout operations
Number of failed logout operations
Transaction time for each module if possible (running and waiting states)
2. Sessions
Size of the session table (hence maximum number of sessions)
Number of active sessions (incremental counter)
3. Profile Service
Maximum cache size
Transaction time for operations (running and waiting)
4. Policy
Policy evaluation in and out requests
Policy connection pool statistics for the subject's plug-in's LDAP server
Authentication module
Distributed Authentication service not required to stick to one server for load-balanced
Authentication service and server not required to stick to one server for load—balanced
Composite advices support among Authentication service, Policy Agents, and Policy
service. Includes AuthenticateToRealm condition, AuthenticateToService condition, and
realm qualification to all conditions.
Advising organization (realm qualified Authentication conditions)
Authentication configurations / authentication chains (AuthServiceCondition)
Module-based authentication can now be disallowed if Authentication chaining is enforced
Distributed Authentication service supports Certificate authentication module
Added CertAuth to Distributed Authentication UI to make it a full featured credential
extractor presentation
New Datastore authentication module as an out-of-box module which authenticates against
the configured datastore for a given realm
Account lockout configuration now persistent across multiple AM server instances
Chaining of post-processing SPI classes
Policy module
A new policy condition AuthenticateToServiceCondition added, to enforce the user is
authenticated to specifc authentication service chain.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
What’s New inThis Release
A new policy condition AuthenticateToRealmCondition added, to enforce the user is
authenticated to a specific realm.
A new policy condition LDAPFilterCondition is added, to enforce the user matches the
specified ldap filter.
Support for one level wild card compare to facilitate protecting the contents of the directory
without protecting sub-directory.
Policies can be created in subrealms without explicit referral policies from parent realm if
organization alias referral is enabled in global policy configuration.
AuthLevelCondition can specify the realm name in addition to authentication level.
AuthSchemeCondition can specify the realm name in addition to authentication module
name .
Service Management module
Support for storing Service Management/Policy configuration in Active Directory
Access Manager SDK
Support APIs for authenticating users to a default Identity Repository framework database
Web Services support
Liberty ID-WSF SOAP provider: Authentication provider that encapsulates the Liberty
ID-WSF SOAP binding as implemented by Access Manager. This consists of a client and
service provider.
HTTP layer SSO provider: HttpServlet layer authentication provider that encapsulates
server-side Access Manager-based SSO
Installation module
Repackaging Access Manager as J2EE Application resulting in a single WAR file to become
web deployable
Support for 64-bit SJS Web Server 7.0 - to support the 64-bit JVM
Delegation module
Support for grouping of delegation privileges
Supports upgrade to Access Manager 7.1 from the following versions: Access Manager 7.0
2005Q4, Access Manager 6.3 2005Q1, and Identity Server 6.2 2004Q2.
Support for delegation in logging module - controlling which Identities are authorized to
write to or read from the log files.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
Hardware and Software Requirements
Support JCE Based SecureLogHelper - making it possible to use JCE (in addition to JSS) as
a security provider for Secure Logging implementation
Deprecation Notification and Announcement
Sun Java(TM) System Access Manager 7.1 identity management APIs and XML templates
enable system administrators to create, delete, and manage identity entries in Sun Java System
Directory Server. Access Manager also provides APIs for identity management. Developers use
the public interfaces and classes defined in the package to integrate
management functions into external applications or services to be managed by Access Manager.
Access Manager APIs provide the means to create or delete identity-related objects as well as to
get, modify, add, or delete the objects' attributes from Directory Server.
The Access Manager package, commonly known as AMSDK, will not be
included in a future Access Manager release. This includes all related APIs and XML templates.
No migration options are available now, and no migration options are expected to be available
in the future. The user provisioning solutions provided by Sun Java System Identity Manager
are compatible replacements that you can start to use now. For more information about Sun
Java System Identity Manager, see
Hardware and Software Requirements
The following table shows the hardware and software that are required for this release.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
Hardware and Software Requirements
TABLE 2 Hardware and Software Requirements
SolarisTM10 on SPARC, x86, and x64 based
Operating system (OS)
systems, including support for whole root local
and sparse root zones.
Solaris 9 on SPARC and x86 based systems.
Red HatTM Enterprise Linux 3 and 4, all updates
Advanced Server (32 and 64–bit versions) and
Enterprise Server (32 and 64–bit versions)
Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Data Center
Server version SP4 on x86
Windows 2003 Standard (32 and 64–bit versions),
Enterprise (32 and 64–bit versions), Data Center
Server (32–bit version) on x86 and x64 based
Windows XP Professional SP2 on x86 based
HP-UX 11i v1 (11.11 from uname), 64–bit on
For the most updated list of supported operating
systems, see “Platform Requirements and Issues” in
Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Release Notes for UNIX in
the Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Release Notes for
UNIX, or “Hardware and Software Platform
Information” in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Release
Notes for Microsoft Windows in the Sun Java
Enterprise System 5 Release Notes for Windows.
Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE)
Directory Server
J2SE platform 6.0, 5.0 Update 9 (HP-UX:,
and 1.4.2 Update 11
Access Manager information tree: Sun Java System
Directory Server 6.0 or Sun Java System Directory
Server 5.2 2005Q4
Access Manager identity repository: Sun Java System
Directory Server 6.0 or Microsoft Active Directory
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
Hardware and Software Requirements
TABLE 2 Hardware and Software Requirements
Web containers
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 On supported
platform/OS combinations you may elect to run the
Web Server instance in a 64 bit JVM. Support
platforms: Solaris 9/SPARC, Solaris 10/SPARC, Solaris
10/AMD64, Red Hat AS or ES 3.0/AMD64, Red Hat
AS or ES 4.0/AMD64
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise
Edition 8.2
BEA WebLogic 8.1 SP4
IBM WebSphere Application Server
Basic testing: 512 Mbytes
Actual deployment: 1 Gbyte for threads, Access
Manager SDK, HTTP server, and other internals
Disk space
512 Mbytes for Access Manager and associated
If you have questions about support for other versions of these components, contact your Sun
Microsystems technical representative.
Supported Browsers
The following table shows the browsers that are supported by the Sun Java Enterprise System 5
TABLE 3 SupportedBrowsers
Firefox 1.0.7
Windows XP
Windows 2000
Solaris OS, versions 9 and 10
Red Hat Linux 3 and 4
Mac OS X
Microsoft Internet ExplorerTM 6.0 SP2
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1
Windows XP
WindowsTM 2000
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
General Compatibility Information
TABLE 3 SupportedBrowsers
MozillaTM 1.7.12
Solaris OS, versions 9 and 10
Windows XP
Windows 2000
Red Hat Linux 3 and 4
Mac OS X
NetscapeTM Communicator 8.0.4
Netscape Communicator 7.1
Windows XP
Windows 2000
Solaris OS, versions 9 and 10
General Compatibility Information
AMSDK intersystem incompatibility with Access
Manager server
The following combinations are not compatible between the AMSDK and the Access Manager
server in the following Java Enterprise System releases:
Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 AMSDK is not compatible with the Java Enterprise System 5
Access Manager server (this release).
Java Enterprise System 5 AMSDK (this release) is not compatible with the Java Enterprise
System Access Manger 2004Q2 (formerly Identity Server) server.
Upgrade not supported for Access Manager HPUX
There is no support for an upgrade path from Access Manager 7 2005Q4 to Access Manger 7.1
(this release) for the HPUX version.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
General Compatibility Information
Access Manager Legacy Mode
If you are installing Access Manager with any of the following products, you must select the
Access Manager Legacy (6.x) mode:
Sun Java System Portal Server
Sun Java System Communications Services servers, including Messaging Server, Calendar
Server, Instant Messaging, or Delegated Administrator
You select the Access Manager Legacy (6.x) mode, depending on how you are running the Java
ES installer:
To determine the more for an Access Manager 7.1 installation, see “Determining the Access
Java ES Silent Installation Using a State File
Java ES installer silent installation is a non-interactive mode that allows you to install Java ES
components on multiple host servers that have similar configurations. You first run the installer
to generate a state file (without actually installing any components) and then edit a copy of the
state file for each host server where you plan to install Access Manager and other components.
To select Access Manager in Legacy (6.x) mode, set the following parameter (along with other
parameters) in the state file before you run the installer in silent mode:
AM_REALM = disabled
For more information about running the Java ES installer in silent mode using a state file, see
the Chapter 5, “Installing in Silent Mode,” in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for
“Configure Now”Installation Option in Graphical Mode
If you are running the Java ES Installer in graphical mode with the “Configure Now” option, on
the “Access Manager: Administration (1 of 6)” panel, select “Legacy (version 6.x style)”, which
is the default value.
“Configure Now”Installation Option inText-Based Mode
If you are running the Java ES Installer in text-based mode with the “Configure Now” option,
for Install type (Realm/Legacy) [Legacy] select Legacy, which is the default value.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
General Compatibility Information
“Configure Later”Installation Option
If you ran the Java ES Installer with the “Configure Later“ option, you must run the amconfig
script to configure Access Manager after installation. To select Legacy (6.x) mode, set the
following parameter in your configuration script input file (amsamplesilent):
For more information about configuring Access Manager by running the amconfig script, refer
to the Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Administration Guide.
Determining the Access Manager Mode
To determine whether a running Access Manager 7.1 installation has been configured in Realm
or Legacy mode, invoke:
Results are:
true: Realm mode
false: Legacy mode
Access Manager Policy Agents
The following table shows the compatibility of Policy Agents with the Access Manager 7.1
TABLE 4 Policy Agents Compatibility With Access Manager 7.1 Modes
Agent andVersion
Compatible Mode
Web and J2EE agents, version 2.2
Legacy and Realm modes
Web and J2EE agents, version 2.1 are not supported in
Access Manager 7.1
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
Known Issues and Limitations
Known Issues and Limitations
This section describes the following known issues and workarounds, if available, at the time of
the Access Manager 7.1 release.
Installation Issues
Information about installation issues is contained in the JES5 Release Notes. See the section
“Access Manager Installation Issues” in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Release Notes for UNIX.
Upgrade Issues
Information about upgrade issues is contained in section “Upgrade Issues” in Sun Java
Enterprise System 5 Release Notes for UNIX in the Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Release Notes for
Compatibility Issues
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
Known Issues and Limitations
Access Manager Single Sign-On fails on UniversalWeb Client (6367058,
The problem occurs after you install Access Manager, Messaging Server, and Calendar Server
and configure them to work together, and then install the JES5 120955-01 patch. The user
encounters a login error. The error is due to an incompatibility between Policy Agent 2.1
properties and AMSDK. There is no workaround at this time. This problem will be fixed in the
final Access Manager 7.1 release.
StackOverflowError occurs onWeb Server 7.0 running in 64–bit mode
If Access Manager is configured on a Web Server 7.0 instance using a 64–bit JVM, the user
encounters a Server Error message when accessing the console login page. The Web Server
error log contains a StackOverflowError exception.
Workaround: Modify the Web Server configuration by following these steps:
1. Log in to the Web Server administration console as the Web Server administrator.
2. Click Edit Configuration.
In the Platform field, select 64, then click Save.
3. Click the Java tab, and then click the JVM Settings tab.
Under Options, look for the minimum heap size entry (for example : -Xms). The
minimum heap size value should be at least 512m. For example, if the heap size value is
not -Xms512m or greater, then change the value to at least -Xms512m.
The maximum heap size value should be at least 768m. If the maximum heap size is not
-Xmx768m or greater, then change the value to at least -Xmx768m.
Set the Java stack size to 512k or 768k by using -Xss512k or -Xss768k. You can leave it at
the default size for 64-bit JVM on Solaris Sparc (1024k) by leaving it blank.
4. Click the Performance tab, then click the link "Thread Pool Settings.”
Change the stack size value to at least 261144, and then click Save.
5. Click the "Deployment Pending" link in the upper right corner of the screen.
In the Configuration Deployment page, click the Deploy button.
6. In the Results window, click OK to restart the Web Server instance.
Click the Close in the Results window after the Web Server has been restarted.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
Known Issues and Limitations
Incompatibilities exist in core authentication module for legacy mode
Access Manager 7.1 legacy mode has the following incompatibilities in the core authentication
module from Access Manager 6 2005Q1:
Organization Authentication Modules are removed in legacy mode.
The presentation of the “Administrator Authentication Configuration” and “Organization
Authentication Configuration” has changed. In the Access Manager 7.1 Console, the
drop-down list has ldapService selected by default. In the Access Manager 6 2005Q1
Console, the Edit button was provided, and the LDAP module was not selected by default.
Workaround: None.
Delegated Administratorcommadmin utility does not create a user
The Delegated Administrator commadmin utility with the -S mail,cal option does not create a
user in the default domain.
Workaround: This problem occurs if you upgrade Access Manager to version 7.1 but you do
not upgrade Delegated Administrator.
If you do not plan to upgrade Delegated Administrator, follow these steps:
1. In the UserCalendarService.xml file, mark the mail, icssubcribed, and icsfirstday
attributes as optional instead of required. This file is located by default in the
/opt/SUNWcomm/lib/services/ directory on Solaris systems.
2. In Access Manager, remove the existing XML file by running the amadmin command, as
# ./amadmin -u amadmin -w password -r UserCalendarService
3. In Access Manager, add the updated XML file, as follows:
# ./amadmin -u amadmin -w password
-s /opt/SUNWcomm/lib/services/UserCalendarService.xml
4. Restart the Access Manager web container.
Delegated Administratorcommadmin utility does not create an
organization (6292104)
The Delegated Administrator commadmin utility with the -S mail,cal option does not create an
Workaround: See the workaround for the previous problem.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
Known Issues and Limitations
Configuration Issues
Notification URL needs to be updated for Access Manager SDK
installation without web container (6491977)
If you install the Access Manager SDK without a web container by running the Java ES 5
installer with the Configure Now option, the property in
the file is set to NOTIFICATION_URL. If you don't perform any additional
web container configuration, users will not receive notifications from the remote Access
Manager server.
Workaround: Reset this property as follows:""
Password Reset service reports notification errors when a password is
changed (6455079)
When a password is changed, Access Manager submits the email notification using an
unqualified sender name Identity-Server which results in errors entries in the
amPasswordReset logs. Example:
07/19/2006 10:26:04:010 AM PDT: Thread[service-j2ee,5,main]
ERROR: Could not send email to user [Ljava.lang.String;@999262
com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 553 5.5.4 <Identity-Server>...
Domain name required for sender address Identity-Server
Workaround: Change the configuration in
Change the from address. Change fromAddress.label=<Identity-Server> to
Change the lockOutEmailFrom property to insure that lockout notifications use the correct
from address.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
Known Issues and Limitations
Platform server list and FQDN alias attribute are not updated
(6309259, 6308649)
In a multiple server deployment, the platform server list and FQDN alias attribute are not
updated if you install Access Manager on the second (and subsequent) servers.
Workaround: Add the Realm/DNS aliases and platform server list entries manually. For the
steps, see the section “Adding Additional Instances to the Platform Server List and Realm/DNS
Aliases” in Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide.
Data validation for required attributes in the services (6308653)
Access Manager 7.1 enforces required attributes in service XML files to have default values.
Workaround: If you have services with required attributes that do not have values, add values
for the attributes and then reload the service.
Document workaround for deployment on a secureWebLogic 8.1
instance (6295863)
If you deploy Access Manager 7.1 into a secure (SSL enabled) BEA WebLogic 8.1 SP4 instance,
an exception occurs during the deployment of each Access Manager web application.
Workaround: Follow these steps:
1. Apply the WebLogic 8.1 SP4 patch JAR CR210310_81sp4.jar, which is available from BEA.
2. In the /opt/SUNWam/bin/amwl81config script, (Solaris systems) or
/opt/sun/identity/bin/amwl81config script (Linux systems), update the doDeploy
function and the undeploy_it function to prepend the path of the patch JAR to the
wl8_classpath, which is the variable that contains the classpath used to deploy and
un-deploy the Access Manager web applications.
Find the following line containing the wl8_classpath:
wl8_classpath= ...
3. Immediately after the line you found in Step 2, add the following line:
The amconfig script does not update the realm/DNS aliases and
platform server list entries (6284161)
In a multiple server deployment, the amconfig script does not update the realm/DNS aliases
and platform server list entries for additional Access Manager instances.
Workaround: Add the Realm/DNS aliases and platform server list entries manually. For the
steps, see the section “Adding Additional Instances to the Platform Server List and Realm/DNS
Aliases” in Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
Known Issues and Limitations
Default Access Manager mode is realm in the configuration state file
template (6280844)
By default, the Access Manager mode (AM_REALM variable) is enabled in the configuration state
file template.
Workaround: To install or configure Access Manager in Legacy mode, reset the variable in the
state file:
AM_REALM = disabled
Access Manager Console Issues
New Access Manager Console cannot set the CoS template priorities
The new Access Manager 7.1 Console cannot set or modify a Class of Service (CoS) template
Workaround: Login to the Access Manager 6 2005Q1 Console to set or modify a CoS template
Old console appears when adding Portal Server related services
Portal Server and Access Manager are installed on the same server. With Access Manager
installed in Legacy mode, login to the new Access Manager Console using /amserver. If you
choose an existing user and try to add services (such as NetFile or Netlet), the old Access
Manager Console (/amconsle) suddenly appears.
Workaround: None. The current version of Portal Server requires the Access Manager 6
2005Q1 Console.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
Known Issues and Limitations
Console does not return the results set from Directory Server after
reaching the resource limit (6239724)
Install Directory Server and then Access Manager with the existing DIT option. Login to the
Access Manager Console and create a group. Edit the users in the group. For example, add users
with the filter uid=*999*. The resulting list box is empty, and the console does not display any
error, information, or warning messages.
Workaround: The group membership must not be greater than the Directory Server search size
limit. If the group membership is greater, change the search size limit accordingly.
Add ContainerDefaultTemplateRole attribute after data migration
In Legacy mode, he user's role does not display under an organization that was not created in
Access Manager. In debug mode, the following message is displayed:
ERROR: DesktopServlet.handleException()
DesktopServlet.doGetPost(): no privilige to execute desktop
This error becomes evident after the Java ES installer migration scripts are run. The
ContainerDefaultTemplateRole attribute is not automatically added to the organization when
the organization is migrated from an existing directory information tree (DIT) or from another
Workaround:Use the Directory Server console to copy the ContainerDefaultTemplateRole
attribute from another Access Manager organization and then add it to the affected
Command Line Issue
Organization Admin role is fails to create a new user with the amadmin
command line utility (6480776)
An administrator assigned the Organization Admin role is not able to create a new user with the
amadmin command line utility due to incorrect logging privileges.
Workaround: Both the Organization Admin and the Top-level admin may set the permissions.
To do so through the Administration Console:
1. Go to the organization to which the Organization Admin belongs.
2. Click on the Privileges tab.
3. Click on the Organization Admin Role link.
4. Select Read and write access to all log files or Write access to all log files.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
Known Issues and Limitations
5. Click Save.
SDK and Client Issues
Clients do not get notifications after the server restarts (6309161)
Applications written using the client SDK (amclientsdk.jar) do not get notifications if the
server restarts.
Workaround: None.
SDK clients need to restart after service schema change (6292616)
If you modify any service schema, ServiceSchema.getGlobalSchema returns the old schema
and not the new schema.
Workaround: Restart the client after a service schema change.
This problem is fixed in patch 1.
Authentication Issues
Distributed Authentication UI server performance drops when
application user has insufficient privileges (6470055)
When you deploy the Distributed Authentication UI server using the default application user,
performance drops significantly due to the default application user's restricted privileges.
Workaround: Create a new user with appropriate privileges.
To create a new user with the proper ACIs:
1. In the Access Manager console, create a new user. For example, create a user named
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
Known Issues and Limitations
2. In Directory Server console , add the following ACI.
aci: (target="ldap:///ou=1.0,ou=SunAMClientData,ou=ClientData,<ROOT_SUFFIX>")
(targetattr = "*"(version 3.0; acl "SunAM client data anonymous access";
allow (read, search, compare) userdn = "ldap:///<AuthUIuser’s DN>";)
Notice that the userdn is set to "ldap:///<AuthUIuser’s DN>".
3. See the instructions in the “To Install and Configure a Distributed Authentication UI
Server” in Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide for editing the
amsilent file, and for running the amadmin command.
4. In the amsilentfile, set the following properties:
Enter AuthUIuser.
5. Save the file.
Enter a password for AuthUIuser.
6. Run the amconfig script using the new configuration file. For example, on a Solaris system
with Access Manager installed in the default directory:
# cd /opt/SUNWam/bin
# ./amconfig -s ./DistAuth_config
7. Restart the web container on the Distributed Authentication UI server.
Incompatibility for Access Manager default configuration of Statistics
Service for legacy (compatible) mode (6286628)
After installation with Access Manager in legacy mode, the default configuration for the
Statistics Service has changed:
The service is turned on by default (
Previously, it was off.
The default interval ( has changed from 3600 to 60.
The default stats directory ( has changed from
/var/opt/SUNWam/debug to /var/opt/SUNWam/stats.
Workaround: None.
Attribute uniqueness broken in the top-level organization for naming
attributes (6204537)
After you install Access Manager, login as amadmin and add the o, sunPreferredDomain,
associatedDomain, sunOrganizationAlias, uid, and mail attributes to the Unique Attribute
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
Known Issues and Limitations
List. If you create two new organizations with the same name, the operation fails, but Access
Manager displays the “organization already exists” message rather than the expected “attribute
uniqueness violated” message.
Workaround: None. Ignore the incorrect message. Access Manager is functioning correctly.
Session and SSO Issues
System creates invalid service host name when load balancer has SSL
termination (6245660)
If Access Manager is deployed with Web Server as the web container using a load balancer with
SSL termination, clients are not directed to the correct Web Server page. Clicking the Sessions
tab in the Access Manager Console returns an error because the host is invalid.
Workaround: In the following examples, Web Server listens on port 3030. The load balancer
listens on port 80 and redirects requests to Web Server.
In the web-server-instance-name/config/server.xml file, edit the servername attribute to
point to the load balancer, depending on the release of Web Server you are using.
For Web Server 6.1 Service Pack (SP) releases, edit the servername attribute as follows:
<LS id="ls1" port="3030" servername=""
defaultvs="https-sample" security="false" ip="any" blocking="false"
Web Server 6.1 SP2 (or later) can switch the protocol from http to https or https to http.
Therefore, edit servername as follows:
<LS id="ls1" port="3030"
security="false" ip="any" blocking="false" acceptorthreads="1"/>
Using HttpSession with third-party web containers
The default method of maintaining sessions for authentications is “internal session” instead of
HttpSession. The default invalid session maximum time value of three minutes is sufficient.
The amtune script sets the value to one minute for Web Server or Application Server. However,
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
Known Issues and Limitations
if you are using a third-party web container (IBM WebSphere or BEA WebLogic Server) and
the optional HttpSession, you might need to limit the web container's maximum HttpSession
time limit to avoid performance problems.
Policy Issues
Deletion of dynamic attributes in Policy Configuration Service causing
issues in editing of policies (6299074)
The deletion of dynamic attributes in Policy Configuration Service causes issues in editing of
policies for this scenario:
1. Create two dynamic attributes in the Policy Configuration Service.
2. Create a policy and select the dynamic attributes (from Step 1) in the response provider.
3. Remove the dynamic attributes in the Policy Configuration Service and create two more
4. Try to edit the policy created in Step 2.
Results are: “Error Invalid Dynamic property being set.” No policies were displayed in the list by
default. After a search is done, the policies are displayed, but you cannot edit or delete the
existing policies or create a new policy.
Workaround: Before removing the dynamic attributes from the Policy Configuration Service,
remove the references to those attributes from the policies.
Server Startup Issues
Debug error occurs on Access Manager startup (6309274, 6308646)
Access Manager 7.1 startup returns the debug errors in amDelegation and amProfile debug
amDelegation: Unable to get an instance of plug-in for delegation
amProfile: Got Delegation Exception
Workaround: None. You can ignore these messages.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
Known Issues and Limitations
AMSDK Issues
Error displayed when performing AMIdentity.modifyService (6506448)
When using AMIdentity.modifyService to set desktop service dynamic attribute on a realm,
Access Manager returns a null pointer exception.
Workaround:Add the following property to and then restart the
Group members don't show up in selected list (6459598)
The problem occurs under the following conditions:
1. Define a realm with the following realm configuration:
Top-level realm is amroot. A subrealm is
The subrealm has two data stores: exampleDB and exampledminDB.
The data store exampleDB contains all the users starting at dc=example,dc=com.
Supported LDAPv3 operations is set to user=read,write,create,delete,service.
The data store exampleadminDB contains an admin group for the realm. The admin
group is DN: Realm
Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com. This group has a single member,
scarter. Supported LDAPv3 operations is set to group=read,write,create,delete.
2. Click the Subjects tab, then Groups, then the entry for Realm
3. Click the User tab.
All the users in the exampleDB data store show up as available, but scarter does not show up in
the Selected field.
Workaround: Add the operation user=read to the supported LDAPv3 operations in the
exampleadminDB data store.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
Known Issues and Limitations
Access Manager Login URL Returns Message "No such Organization
found" (6430874)
The problem may be due to the use of mixed-case (both uppercase and lowercase) characters in
the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
Example: HostName.PRC.Example.COM
Workaround : After installation, do not use the default Access Manager login URL. Instead, in
the login URL, include the LDAP location of the default organization. For example:
Once you've successfully logged in to Access Manager, you can eliminate the need to enter the
full path to the user's organization each time you log in to Access Manager. Follow these steps:
1. Go to the Realm tab in Realm mode, or go to the Organization tab in Legacy mode.
2. Click the default realm or organization name.
In this example, click prc.
3. Change all uppercase characters in the Realm/DNS Alias value to lowercase characters.
In this example, add the all-lowercase value to the list, and
then remove the mixed-case HostName.PRC.Example.COM value from the list.
4. Click Save, and log out of Access Manager Console.
You can now log in using any one of the following URLs:
Sub-org creation not possible from Access Manager when using
amadmin (5001850)
This problem occurs when multi-master replication is enabled between two Directory Servers
and you attempt to create a sub-organization using the amadmin utility.
Workaround: In both Directory Servers, set the nsslapd-lookthroughlimit property to -1.
SSL Issue
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
Known Issues and Limitations
The amconfig script fails when SSL certificate is expired. (6488777)
If the Access Manager container is running in SSL mode, and the container SSL certificate is
expired, amconfig fails and may cause classpath corruption.
Workaround: If you have already run amconfig with an expired certificate, and the classpath is
corrupted, first obtain a valid SSL certificate. Revert to the original domain.xml file, or a copy of
the domain.xml file, in which the classpath is not corrupted. Then rerun the amconfig
/opt/SUNWam/bin/amconfig -s $PWD/amsamplesilent
Samples Issue
Clientsdk samples directory contains unwanted makefile (6490071)
Sample files are included in the Client SDK. These demonstrate how to write stand-alone
programs and how to write web applications. The samples are located under the directory
where you generated the Makefile.clientsdk, and in the following subdirectories:
Clientsdk-samples includes samples for authentication, logging, policy and SAML stand-alone
programs. Clientsdk-webapps includes samples for user management, service management,
and policy programs. Each sample has a Readme.html file with instructions on compiling and
running the sample program.
In order to compile the samples, the makefile should be run in the corresponding sub-directory.
The Top-level makefile does not compile the samples in the sub-directories.
Linux OS Issues
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
Known Issues and Limitations
JVM problems occur when running Access Manager on Application
Server (6223676)
If you are running Application Server 8.1 on Red Hat Linux, the stack size of the threads created
by the Red Hat OS for Application Server is 10 Mbytes, which can cause JVM resource problems
when the number of Access Manager user sessions reaches 200.
Workaround: Set the Red Hat OS operating stack size to a lesser value such as 2048 or even 256
Kbytes, by executing the ulimit command before you start Application Server. Execute the
ulimit command on the same console that you will use to start Application Server. For
# ulimit -s 256;
Windows and HP-UX Issues
Access Manager auto configuration failed when installing on zh_TW
and es locales (6515043)
Workaround: In zh_TW and es locales on HP-UX platform, Access Manager has to be
configured in "Config Later" mode only. Start the JavaES installer, install the Access Manager
product and exit the JavaES installer. Then invoke the Access Manager configurator as shown
2. export LANG
3. Edit accessmanager-base/bin/amsamplesilent file
4. Run accessmanager-base/bin/amconfig -s amsamplesilent
HP-UX needs gettext binary with AM while installing JES full stack
There is no current workaround for this problem.
Federation and SAML Issues
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
Known Issues and Limitations
Federation fails when using Artifact profile (6324056)
If you setup an identity provider (IDP) and a service provider (SP), change the communication
protocol to use the browser Artifact profile, and then try to federate users between the IDP and
SP, the federation fails.
Workaround: None.
Logout error occurs in Federation (6291744)
In realm mode, if you federate user accounts on an identity provider (IDP) and service provider
(SP), terminate Federation, and then logout, an error occurs: Error: No sub organization found.
Workaround: None.
Globalization (g11n) Issues
Administration console components displayed in English in the zh
locale (6470543)
When setting the browser locale to zh, the Administration console components are displayed in
English, for example the Version, Help and Logout buttons.
Workaround: Set browser locale setting to zh-cn instead of zh.
CurrentValue and New value are incorrectly displayed in the console
In the localized version of the Administration console, the labels for the Current Value and New
Value attributes are incorrectly displayed as label.current.value and,
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
Known Issues and Limitations
Policy condition date must be specified according to English custom
Policy condition date format labels under the Chinese locale are not displayed according to
Chinese customs. Labels are proposing a date format like English date format. Related fields
also accept English date format values.
Workaround: For each field, follow the date format example given in the field label.
Removing UTF-8 is not working in Client Detection (5028779)
The Client Detection function is not working properly. Changes made in the Access Manager
7.1 Console are not automatically propagated to the browser.
Workaround:There are two workarounds:
Restart the Access Manager web container after you make a change in the Client Detection
Follow these steps in the Access Manager Console:
1. Click Client Detection under the Configuration tab.
2. Click the Edit link for genericHTML.
3. Under the HTML tab, click the genericHTML link.
4. Enter the following entry in the character set list: UTF-8;q=0.5 (Make sure that the
UTF-8 q factor is lower than the other character sets of your locale.)
5. Save, logout, and login again.
Multi-byte characters are displayed as question marks in log files
Multi-byte messages in log files in the /var/opt/SUNWam/logs directory are displayed as
question marks (?). Log files are in native encoding and not always UTF-8. When a web
container instance starts in a certain locale, log files will be in native encoding for that locale. If
you switch to another locale and restart the web container instance, the ongoing messages will
be in the native encoding for the current locale, but messages from previous encoding will be
displayed as question marks.
Workaround: Make sure to start any web container instances always using the same native
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
Known Issues and Limitations
Documentation Issues
Document the roles and filtered roles support for LDAPv3 plug-in
After applying the respective patch, you can configure roles and filtered roles for the LDAPv3
plug-in, if the data is stored in Sun Java System Directory Server (fixes problem ID 6349959). In
the Access Manager 7.1 Administration console, in LDAPv3 configuration for the “LDAPv3
Plug-in Supported Types and Operations” field, enter the values as:
role: read,edit,create,delete
filteredrole: read,edit,create,delete
You can enter one or both of the above entries, depending on the roles and filtered roles you
plan to use in your LDAPv3 configuration.
Document unused properties in the file
The following properties in the file are not used:
Document how to enable XML encryption (6275563)
To enable XML encryption for either Access Manager or Federation Manager using the Bouncy
Castle JAR file to generate a transport key, follow these steps:
1. If you are using a JDK version earlier than JDK 1.5, download the Bouncy Castle JCE
JDK 1.4, download the bcprov-jdk14-131.jar file.
2. If you downloaded a JAR file in the previous step, copy the file to the jdk_root/jre/lib/ext
3. For the domestic version of the JDK, download the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction
WebSphere, go to the corresponding IBM site to download the required files.
4. Copy the downloaded US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar files to the
jdk_root/jre/lib/security directory.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
Documentation Updates
5. If you are using a JDK version earlier than JDK 1.5, edit the
jdk_root/jre/lib/security/ file and add Bouncy Castle as one of the
providers. For example:
6. Set the following property in the file to true:
7. Restart the Access Manager web container.
For more information, refer to problem ID 5110285 (XML encryption requires Bouncy Castle
JAR file).
Documentation Updates
To access these documents, see the Access Manager 7.1 collection:
A new document entitled Chapter 1, “Technical Note: Deploying Access Manager Instances to
an Application Server Cluster,” in Technical Note: Deploying Access Manager to an Application
Server Cluster has been added to the Access Manager 7 2005Q4 collection.
The Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 collection has also been revised to
document new agents:
Redistributable Files
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 does not contain any files that you can redistribute to
non-licensed users of the product.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
Additional Sun Resources
How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback
If you have problems with Access Manager or Sun Java Enterprise System, contact Sun
customer support using one of the following mechanisms:
This site has links to the Knowledge Base, Online Support Center, and ProductTracker, as
well as to maintenance programs and support contact numbers.
The telephone dispatch number associated with your maintenance contract
So that we can best assist you in resolving problems, please have the following information
available when you contact support:
Description of the problem, including the situation where the problem occurs and its
impact on your operation
Machine type, operating system version, and product version, including any patches and
other software that might be affecting the problem
Detailed steps on the methods you have used to reproduce the problem
Any error logs or core dumps
SunWelcomesYour Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and
Provide the full document title and part number in the appropriate fields. The part number is a
seven-digit or nine-digit number that can be found on the title page of the book or at the top of
the document. For example, the part number of the Access Manager Release Notes is
Additional Sun Resources
You can find useful Access Manager information and resources at the following locations:
Sun Java Enterprise System Documentation:
Sun Services:
Software Products and Service:
Support Resources
Developer Information:
Sun Developer Support Services:
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
RelatedThird-PartyWeb Sites
Accessibility Features for PeopleWith Disabilities
To obtain accessibility features that have been released since the publishing of this media,
consult Section 508 product assessments available from Sun upon request to determine which
versions are best suited for deploying accessible solutions. Updated versions of applications can
RelatedThird-PartyWeb Sites
Third-party URLs are referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.
Note – Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party Web sites mentioned in this
document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising,
products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not
be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused by or in connection with
the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through
such sites or resources.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 2007
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