Op e ra t in g a TV
4 Press and release the CH+ button. Then press and release the
POWER button.
Se t t in g t h e Co d e
Follow the steps 1 and 2 below for each component you plan to
use with the Commander.
Se t t in g Up t h e Re m o t e Co m m a n d e r
Co m p o n e n t co d e n u m b e rs /
Nú m e ro s d e có d ig o d e co m p o n e n t e s
7 Channel up: +
Channel down: –
8 and 9
1 To change the input mode.
4 To operate JUMP, FLASHBACK
or CHANNEL RETURN function
on the TV depending on the
setting of the TV’s
5 Repeat step 4 until the correct code number is found.
Each time you press the CH+ button and then the POWER
button, a new code number will be transmitted.
Keep trying until your component operates by receiving the
transmitted signal from the Commander (e.g., the power turns
off, the CH+ function works, playback starts, etc.) Be patient
as you do this; it may take about 70 tries until the correct code
number is located.
Ab o u t Pre se t t in g t h e Co m m a n d e r
The Commander is preset at the factory to operate Sony brand
To change the channel. For
example, to change to channel
5, press 0 and 5 (or press 5
and ENT).
St e p 1: En t e rin g t h e Co d e Nu m b e r
If you’re using the Commander with a Sony component, you
won’t need to preset the Commander before you start using it.
To set up the Commander to use with other (non-Sony)
manufacturers’ components, or to use with a component that is
not preset at the factory, you’ll need to follow the instructions in
this manual to preset the Commander with the correct code
number for your components. (See the supplied “Component
Code Numbers” also.)
1 See the supplied “Component Code numbers”, and find the
three-digit code number for the desired component.
If more than one code number is listed, use the number that’s
listed first to complete the steps below.
For example, if you’re setting up a Philips’ TV, you would use
the code number 056.
The left row of the table shows the brand, the right row shows
the code No.
Op e ra t in g a n a n a lo g ca b le b o x
CBL (Analog cable box)
The left row of the table shows the brand and the right row
shows the code No.
Remote Commander
4 To operate JUMP, FLASHBACK 8 and 9
or CHANNEL RETURN function.
7 Channel up: +
To change the channel. For
6 When the correct code is found, press the ENT button to store
the code number in the Commander’s memory.
example, to change to channel 5,
press 0 and 5 (or press 5 and
If your component isn’t listed, see “Searching for the Correct
Channel down: –
Operating Instructions
7 Check that the Commander is operating the other functions of
your component by pressing the corresponding buttons on
the Commander. If they seem to be working properly, you’re
done setting up the Commander.
Manual de instrucciones (parte posterior)
2 While pressing the SET
button, press the POWER
TV (Televisores)
Co m p o n e n t t h a t ca n b e
p re se t
Bu t t o n
Fa ct o ry se t t in g
No t e s
La fila izquierda de la tabla muestra la marca, la derecha el
número de código.
• There may be cases you may turn on/ off the cable box by
pressing the CH+ or CH– buttons on the Commander.
• If your cable box can control volume, be sure to set its volume
control to a medium position. If the volume on the cable box is
turned down completely, you will not be able to adjust your
TV’s volume with the Commander.
Sony TV
If the component does not operate properly, repeat steps 1 to 6
and search for another code.
CBL (adaptador para cable analógico)
La fila izquierda de la tabla muestra la marca y la derecha
muestra el número de código.
3 Press the button of the
component that you want to
set up.
Analog cable box
If you still cannot get the Commander to work properly, see
No t e s
4 Enter the component’s code
number. For example, if you’re
entering the code for a Philips TV,
you would press -56.
• The Commander can be set up to operate only one component
per button – unless their code numbers happen to be the same.
For example, you cannot set up the Commander to operate a
Sony TV and a Panasonic TV simultaneously (because they use
different code numbers).
• You may not be able to operate even a Sony brand component
with the factory presetting. In such a case, follow the
procedure in “Setting the Code.”
To set a Component Code (see the instruction manual for details)
Para introducir un código de componente (si desea obtener más
información, consulte el manual de instrucciones)
Your Code Number
Sp e cifica t io n s
Operable distance
Op e ra t in g a Co m p o n e n t
Approx. 7 m (23 ft) (varies depending of
the component of each manufacturer)
Press and release the ENT button to
store the code number in the
Commander’s memory.
1 Press the button of the desired component on the
Pow er requirements Two size AA (R6) batteries (not
© 2003 Sony Corporation Printed in China
Battery life
Approx. 6 months (varies depending on
frequency of use)
6 Go to “Step 2: Checking if the Code Number Works” to finish
setting up.
While pressing the SET button, press the
POWER button.
2 Point the Commander directly at the component.
Approx. 66 × 149 × 31 mm (w/ h/ d)
In st a llin g t h e Ba t t e rie s
Before replacing the batteries, have new ones ready
(2 5/
× 5 7/
× 1 1/
If yo u p re ss a w ro n g b u t t o n in st e p 4
Press the POWER button while pressing the SET button and
then go back to step 2.
Mientras mantiene presionada la tecla SET,
presione la tecla POWER.
3 Press the button for the function you want to use.
Approx. 91 g (3,2 oz.) (not including
See “Remote Button Descriptions” for complete descriptions of
the buttons on the Commander.
Slide open the battery compartment and insert two size AA (R6)
batteries (not supplied).
Be sure to line up the + and – on the batteries with the + and –
on the battery compartment.
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
St e p 2: Ch e ckin g if t h e Co d e Nu m b e r Wo rks
En g lish
No t e s o n Usin g t h e Re m o t e Co m m a n d e r
Basically, use this Commander in the same way as the
Commanders supplied with your components.
• Using this Commander will not increase the functions of your
components. The functions of the Commander are limited to
the functions of the components themselves. For example, if
your TV does not have a MUTING function, the MUTING
button on this Commander will not function with your TV.
• Some functions of the component may not work with this
The validity of the CE marking is restricted to only those
countries where it is legally enforced, mainly in the countries
EEA (European Economic Area).
1 Power on the component you want to set up.
2 Aim the Remote Commander at the component and press a
button to check if that button works.
For example, press the POWER button to see if it works on
your component .
Fo r t h e cu st o m e rs in t h e U.S.A.
Code No.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference
to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try
to correct the interference by one or more of the following
Tro u b le sh o o t in g
3 Check that the other buttons of the Commander is operating
the corresponding functions of the component.
If you have problems setting up or using the Commander:
• When setting up the Commander, carefully go through the
procedures described in “Setting the Code.” If the code that’s
listed first for your component doesn’t work, try all the codes for
your component - in the order in which they’re listed. If all the
codes fail to work (or if your component is not listed in this
manual), try using the procedures in “Searching for the Correct
• Check that you’re aiming the Commander directly at the
component, and that there are no obstructions between the
Commander and the component.
• Make sure the batteries you’re using are not worn out, and that
they’re inserted correctly.
• Check that the button of the TV or CBL is pressed to choose your
desired component.
• Check that the component has infrared remote capability. For
example, if your component didn’t come with a remote
commander, it probably isn’t capable of being controlled by a
remote commander.
• Should any problem persist, reset the Commander to the factory
setting by pressing the POWER, TV/ VIDEO and VOL– buttons
You can write down the code number on the label inside the
battery compartment lid.
• If your cable box can control volume, be sure to set its volume
switch to a medium position. If the volume on the cable box is
turned down completely, you will not be able to adjust your
TV’s volume with the Commander.
An a lo g ca b le b o x/
Ad a p t a d o r p a ra ca b le a n a ló g ico
If the Commander Doesn’t Seem to Be Working...
• First, try repeating these setup procedures using the other
codes listed for your component (see the supplied “Component
Code Numbers”).
• If – after trying all the codes listed for your component – you
still cannot get the Commander to work properly, try the
search method described in “Searching for the Correct Code.”
Wh e n t o re p la ce t h e b a t t e rie s
Hamlin/ Regal
Jerrold/ G.I
Code No.
Under normal conditions, batteries will last up to 6 months. If
the Commander does not operate properly, the batteries might
be worn out. Replace the batteries with new ones.
022, 023, 024, 025, 026
031, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005,
006, 007, 008, 018, 022, 032
027, 028, 029
Re m o t e Bu t t o n De scrip t io n s
Ge n e ra l
2 To mute the volume on TV.
3 Volume up: +
No t e s
Scientific Atlanta
019, 020, 021
014, 015
009, 010, 011
031, 016, 017
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Replace both batteries with new ones.
• Do not take more than 3 minutes to replace the batteries;
otherwise, your setting of the code numbers will be erased.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different
from that to which the receiver is connected.
Volume down: –
Se a rch in g fo r t h e Co rre ct Co d e
5 Component select buttons.
To switch to the operations
of each component, press
the button on which that
component is assigned.
6 To turn on and off the
power of the selected
If you’ve tried all the code numbers listed for your component
and you still cannot get the Commander to work (or if your
component is not listed in the “Component Code Numbers”
tables), try these steps.
012, 013
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for
No t e s o n Ba t t e rie s
• Do not mix old batteries with new ones or mix different types
of batteries together.
• If the electrolyte inside the battery should leak, wipe the
contaminated area of the battery compartment with a cloth and
replace the old batteries with new ones. To prevent the
electrolyte from leaking, remove the batteries when you plan
not to use the Commander for a long period of time.
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not
expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to
operate this equipment.
Continued on reverse side
Continúa en el reverso
Fo r t h e cu st o m e rs in t h e U.S.A.
Cu st o m e r Su p p o rt In fo rm a t io n
If – after you’ve read through this manual – you still cannot get
the Remote Commander to work properly, call the Sony
Customer Support Helpline at 1-800-822-2217.
1 Power on the component you want to set up. Insert a tape or
disc if necessary.
0 To set up the Commander,
press SET while pressing
2 While pressing the SET button, press the POWER button.
3 Press the button of the component on the Commander that
you want to set up.
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