Version 2.5
MFP Module Guide for the
Sharp Extension
for External Document Connector Modules
IMPORTANT–READ CAREFULLY: This End User License Agreement (“EULA”)
is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and
Captaris, Inc. (“Captaris”) for the Captaris External Document Connector
software module(s) for which you have paid the applicable license fees and
received activation codes from Captaris. Each module includes computer
software and may include associated media, printed materials, and “online” or
electronic documentation (“Product”) and is licensed separately.
You may make and use a reasonable number of copies of any documentation
provided with the Product; provided, that such copies will only be used for
internal business purposes and are not to be republished or redistributed (either
in hard copy or electronic form) beyond your premises.
You may make one copy of the Product for back-up and archival purposes.
Any software provided to you by Captaris which updates or supplements the
original Product is governed by this EULA unless separate license terms are
provided with such updates or supplements, in which case, such separate terms
will govern.
Software License
License Limitations
Subject to the terms and conditions herein, Captaris grants you a non-exclusive,
non-transferable, personal license to install, run and use one copy of the
software provided as part of the Product on a single computer that is owned or
controlled by you for use as an add on module to a single RightFax server that
you have properly licensed. In addition, if you have properly licensed the
Connector for the Hummingbird Enterprise Module, the license granted in the
preceding sentence includes the right to install the client components of the
Product on an unlimited number of Hummingbird client computers.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the license for each MFP module (e.g., a
software module included in the Product that is used to link a multifunction
printer or other multifunction device to a RightFax server) is limited to a single
multifunction printer or device identified to Captaris (by serial number or
otherwise) at the time you license the Product. The license for a MFP module
cannot be used with or transferred to any other printer or device.
The preceding licenses apply only to the extent you have ordered and paid for
the Product license. The preceding states the entirety of your rights with respect
to the Product. Captaris reserves all rights not expressly granted to you in this
EULA. Without limiting the foregoing, you will not, and you will not authorize or
permit any third party to:
a. use the Product for any purpose other than as an add on module to a
properly licensed RightFax server used for your internal business
b. use a MFP module with any printer or device other than the specific
printer or device identified to Captaris at the time the license to the MFP
module is acquired;
c. license, distribute, lease, rent, lend, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose
of the Product or use the Product in any commercial hosted or service
bureau environment;
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
d. reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or attempt to discover the
source code for or any trade secrets related to the Product, except and
only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable
law notwithstanding this limitation;
Captaris will defend you against any judicial proceeding based upon a third
party claim that the Product infringes any U.S. patent, U.S. trademark, copyright
or trade secret and will indemnify you against any damages, judgments and
costs finally awarded against you in such proceeding; provided that, you: (a)
give Captaris prompt written notice of the claim; (b) permit Captaris to control
the defense and settlement of the claim; and (c) cooperate with Captaris in the
defense and settlement of the claim. Captaris's defense and indemnification
obligations will not apply to any actual or alleged infringement based upon: (i)
modification of the Product by anyone other than Captaris, (ii) abuse,
misapplication or casualty loss, (iii) use of the Product in combination with any
other program or device, if such infringement would have been avoided but for
such modification or combination, or (iv) failure to install or use any error
corrections, fixes or other updates furnished by Captaris, if such infringement
could have been avoided by such installation or use. In the event the Product or
your use of the Product is held to infringe or in Captaris’s reasonable judgment
is likely to infringe any third party intellectual property right, Captaris may, at its
option, (x) obtain a license for you to continue to use the Product, (y) modify the
Product so that it is noninfringing, or (z) terminate this EULA and refund a
portion of the license fee paid by you for the Product prorated over three (3)
years from the date of purchase.
e. adapt, modify, alter, translate or create any derivative works of the Product;
f. use the Product with more than one RightFax server;
g. remove, alter or obscure any copyright notice or other proprietary rights
notice on the Product;
h. disclose the results of any benchmark testing using the Product to any
third party, or
i. circumvent or attempt to circumvent any methods employed by Captaris
to control access to the components, features or functions of the Product.
Captaris shall have the right to audit your compliance with the terms of this
EULA. You agree to grant access to Captaris to facilities, equipment, books,
records and documents and to otherwise reasonably cooperate with Captaris in
order to facilitate any such audit.
The Product is valuable property of Captaris and its suppliers and is protected
by copyright and other intellectual property laws and treaties. Captaris or its
suppliers own all right, title and interest in and to the Product and all copyright
and other intellectual property rights in the Product.
Disclaimer of Warranties
Limited Warranty
Captaris warrants to you that the Product will perform substantially in
accordance with the accompanying Product manual for a period of thirty (30)
days from the date of receipt. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable
law, Captaris’s and its suppliers’ entire liability and your exclusive remedy for
failure of the software to conform to the foregoing warranty is, at Captaris’s
option, either (a) return of the price paid by you for the Product in exchange for
return of the Product by you, or (b) repair or replacement of the Product that
does not meet the warranty. The foregoing warranty is void if the failure of the
Product is due to accident, abuse or misapplication. Any replacement Product
will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period, if any.
Disclaimer of Certain Damages
You may not transfer your rights under this EULA to any third party.
Governing Law; Jurisdiction
Unless expressly prohibited by local law, this EULA is governed by the laws of
the State of Washington, U.S.A. without regard to any conflict of law principles
to the contrary. The 1980 U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International
Sale of Goods or any successor thereto does not apply. You hereby irrevocably
submit to jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in King County,
Washington with respect to any proceeding under this EULA or relating to the
Product. You will not prosecute any action, suit, proceeding or claim arising
under or by reason of this EULA except in such courts.
Limitation of Liability
disclaimer of warranties, disclaimer of certain damages and limitation of liability
will apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. The laws of some
states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or the
exclusion or limitation of certain damages. To the extent that those laws apply to
this EULA, the exclusions and limitations set forth above may not apply to you.
Attorneys' Fees
In any action or proceeding to enforce rights under this Agreement, the
prevailing party will be entitled to recover costs and reasonable attorneys' fees.
If any provision of this EULA is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be
invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remainder of this EULA will remain in full
force and effect.
Export Restrictions
You acknowledge that the Product is subject to U.S. export restrictions. You
agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations that apply to the
Product, including without limitation the U.S. Export Administration Regulations.
English Language
It is the express wish of the parties that this Agreement and all related
documents be drawn up in English. C'est la volonté expresse exigé par les
parties que cette convention et tous les documents y afférents, soient rédigés
en anglais seulement.
U.S. Government License Rights
All Product provided to the U.S. Government is provided with the commercial
license rights and restrictions described in this EULA. By installing, copying or
using the Product, the U.S. Government agrees that the Product is “commercial
computer software” or “commercial computer software documentation” within
the meaning of FAR Part 12.
Entire Agreement
This EULA sets forth the entire agreement of Captaris and you with respect to the
Product and the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and
contemporaneous understandings and agreements whether written or oral. No
amendment, modification or waiver of any of the provisions of this EULA will be valid
unless set forth in a written instrument signed by the party to be bound thereby.
This EULA does not grant you any rights in connection with any trademarks or
service marks of Captaris or its suppliers.
Without prejudice to any other rights, Captaris may terminate this EULA if you
do not abide by the terms and conditions contained herein. In such event, you
must cease use of the Product and destroy all copies of the Product and all of
its component parts.
Captaris Inc. Software License Agreement
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
Appendix A
Understanding the
External Document Connector..........................................31
Overview of the External Document Connector......................31
Using the EDC Monitor.................................................................31
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Installing the RightFax MFP Module................................ 9
Overview of the RightFax MFP Module.......................................9
RightFax Server Support and Requirements........................... 10
Sharp MFP Support and Requirements................................... 10
Install the RightFax MFP Module................................................ 10
Configuring the Repository Folder
and RightFax Interface on the Sharp MFPs..................15
Create and Configure the Repository Folder .......................... 15
Create a RightFax User Interface on the Sharp...................... 17
Sending a Document to a Phonebook Group......................... 18
Using SecureDocs and Certified Delivery................................ 19
Chapter 3
in the Sharp DataFlow ........................................................21
Configure the Sharp MFP Module Settings............................ 21
Configuring the Sharp_MFP FlowPoints.................................. 26
Sending Delivery Notifications.................................................... 27
Understanding Filters.................................................................... 29
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
Chapter 1
Installing the RightFax MFP Module
includes data entry fields such as destination fax number and user
ID, and each of these fields is identified using specific key words
that the RightFax server can process. When users enter
transmission information in these fields, the data is packaged along
with the scanned image in a way that the RightFax server can
interpret and use. For information on creating a Workflow for use
with RightFax, see Chapter 2, “Configuring the Repository Folder
and RightFax Interface on the Sharp MFPs”.
Overview of the RightFax MFP Module
The Sharp Extension for the RightFax MFP Module lets you link one
or more of several supported Sharp Multi-Function Products
(MFPs) via your network to the RightFax server. This lets users
scan documents on the Sharp MFP and transmit them as fax or
e-mail messages through the RightFax server. Scanned documents
can be transmitted normally to fax and e-mail destinations, or sent
via certified delivery or encrypted for security using the RightFax
SecureDocs Module (described in the RightFax SecureDocs
Module Guide.) For information on using the Sharp MFP to scan
and transmit documents via the RightFax server, see Chapter 2,
“Configuring the Repository Folder and RightFax Interface on the
Sharp MFPs”.
Using each of these components, the Sharp extension of the
RightFax MFP Module lets users scan and transmit faxes by
following this sequence of events:
1. Using either the Sharp MFP fax functionality or one of the
RightFax-specific templates, the user enters fax transmission
information on the Sharp MFP and scans the document.
The RightFax MFP Module Sharp Extension connects the RightFax
server and Sharp MFPs using a software module called the
External Document Connector (EDC). This module monitors
folders on your network, called “repositories,” for Sharp documents
to process and transmit. Sharp MFPs that you want to use to
submit fax jobs to the RightFax server must all be configured to
store scanned documents in the same network folder that you
configure the EDC to monitor. Refer to your Sharp documentation
for instructions on setting this folder location.
2. The Sharp MFP saves the document as an image file and then
stores the file in the repository folder on the network.
3. The External Document Connector picks up the image file from
the repository, converts it to a file format appropriate for use by
the RightFax server, and then places it in the RightFax send
queue for transmission.
4. The RightFax server transmits the file as a fax or e-mail message
to the destination specified by the user on the Sharp MFP.
To create an interface for users on the Sharp device, you must
create a Metadata dialog on the Sharp using the browser-based
software installed on the Sharp device. This Metadata dialog
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
RightFax Server Support and Requirements
Sharp MFP Support and Requirements
All RightFax servers that will be used for sending faxes from Sharp
devices must be version 9.0 or higher. Microsoft Internet Explorer
version 6 is required on all RightFax servers.
The RightFax MFP Module supports the following Sharp models:
The repository folder where outbound faxes originating from the
Sharp device will be placed must be configured as an FTP site on
an IIS server on your network. Before you begin, ensure that the
should also add a subfolder called Sharp under the
\Inetpub\ftproot folder on the IIS server. This will be used as the
repository folder.
Important Your Sharp device includes configuration software can be
accessed via a Web browser. To access this software, you must know the
IP address of the Sharp device. If you have not already set up the Sharp
device so that this software is accessible you should do so now.
If you are upgrading from an earlier version
of the External Document Connector
Installing the RightFax MFP Module will overwrite all earlier
versions of the RightFax External Document Connector (EDC) for
Sharp extensions, discarding any existing configuration settings.
Captaris strongly recommends that you write down or take
screenshots of the existing configuration settings before installing
the RightFax MFP Module. Many of these settings will be reused
with the RightFax MFP module and information about your existing
EDC settings will simplify the process of configuring the new
Install the RightFax MFP Module
To install the RightFax MFP Module, you must complete the
following steps:
1. Download the RightFax MFP Module (described on page 11)
2. Run the RightFax MFP Module installation (described on
page 11)
The MFP Module installation program copies the module’s files to
the RightFax server and lets you configure some of the settings
required to integrate RightFax with your Sharp MFPs.
Important information about installations and upgrades
Do not re-run this installation if you have already installed this
version of the MFP Module or if you have installed any other
RightFax products which use the same installation architecture as
this product. Doing so will detect the existing installation and offer
the options Repair and Uninstall. Selecting Repair will cause any
existing configuration settings to be overwritten with default
settings. If you have already installed this product or any of the
other RightFax MFP Module 2.5 products, reinstallation is not
necessary. Instead, you only need to contact Captaris Support to
activate the Connector.
Downloading the RightFax MFP Module
Note Although the RightFax MFP module can be downloaded freely, it
does require that a valid software license be purchased before the
software can be enabled by a Captaris Support representative. For
information on purchasing a software license for the RightFax MFP
Module, please contact your Captaris salesperson or RightFax product
If you are running a new install, you should proceed with the
installation instructions in the next section. However, if you are
upgrading from version 2.0 to version 2.5, running the installation
program may cause all jobs that are currently in the queue to be
lost. Follow these steps for all installed EDC modules when
upgrading from 2.0 to 2.5 to avoid losing any pending jobs in the
External Document Connector:
The RightFax MFP Module is downloaded from the Captaris Web
site and must be installed directly on each RightFax server that will
support extension to your Sharp MFPs. For this reason, you should
either download the installation file directly to your RightFax
server(s) or to a location on your network that is accessible by all
RightFax servers on which it will be run.
1. On the RightFax server, select Start > All Programs >
RightFax EDC Monitor to open the EDC Monitor application.
2. Select Tools > Advanced EDC Configuration to open the
Captaris EDC Configuration dialog box.
3. Click the Sources tab.
Running the RightFax MFP Module installation
The MFP Module installation program includes a configuration
wizard which lets you license and configure the Sharp MFP module
as part of the software installation. The RightFax MFP Module must
be installed directly on each RightFax server that will support
extension to your Sharp MFPs. Before installing the RightFax MFP
module, ensure that the most recent Service Pack has been
applied to your RightFax server.
4. Double-click the module that you want to stop.
5. Select the option Pause scanning for new jobs.
6. Click OK to save the changes and exit back to the EDC Monitor.
7. Monitor the DataFlow pane in the EDC Monitor. When the job
count for the Begin and End FlowPoints is equal, there are no
more pending jobs and you can begin the upgrade installation
(described in the next section).
To install the RightFax MFP Module
After the new version is installed, the modules will all be reset
so that they process jobs.
1. The RightFax MFP Module installation software is downloaded
as a ZIP file that contains one executable file called Setup.exe.
Extract Setup.exe directly to your RightFax server(s) or to a
location on your network that is accessible by all RightFax
servers on which it will be run.
2. Run Setup.exe. This opens the RightFax MFP Module
installation wizard.
Chapter 1 Installing the RightFax MFP Module
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
3. Click Next on the opening screen. This opens the RightFax
MFP Module license agreement. You must select the option to
accept the license agreement in order to continue the
installation. Click Next.
12.On the Select Module screen, select Sharp MFP in the list of
modules and click Next. This opens the Device Repository
13.In the New Path field, type or browse to the path to the Sharp
repository folder on your network. The repository folder must be
located on an IIS server on your network and be a subfolder of
the \Inetpub\ftproot folder. You may specify either a UNC path
or a folder name on a mapped or local drive.
4. Click Install to begin the installation. If, during the installation,
you see a brief warning message indicating that the MFP
Module registry key(s) were not found, the installation will
automatically create the required registry keys. No action is
Click Add to add the repository folder to the Repository Paths
5. When the installation is complete, select the Launch Captaris
Integrations Product Suite option and click Finish. This opens
the EDC Configuration Wizard.
Repeat this step for each Sharp repository folder on your
network. When all Sharp repository folders that will be
monitored by the RightFax server have been added, click Next.
This opens the RightFax Setup screen.
6. Select Add/Remove Modules and click Next.
Important The following product activation steps are unnecessary if
you are upgrading from a previous version of this module. When
upgrading, the product will remain activated from your previous
installation. If you have already activated an earlier version of this
module, skip to step 10.
14.In the RightFax Server Name field, type the name of the
RightFax server which the External Document Connector will
use for transmitting documents. By default, a dot appears in this
field indicating that the External Document Connector will use
the RightFax server on local machine. You only need to change
this value if you want the External Document Connector to use a
RightFax server installed on a different computer.
7. On the Add/Remove Modules screen, click the Licensing
button. This opens a screen that lets you enter a licensing code
that will enable the MFP Module on the RightFax server.
15.The Default User Name field is the RightFax user ID that will be
used for all faxes originating from Sharp MFPs that do not have
a RightFax user ID specified.
8. If you are performing a new installation, contact the RightFax
Product Support Group at (520) 320-7070. A support
representative will assist you through the rest of the activation
The Default RightFax user ID is set to WALKUP by default. This
is the RightFax user ID that will be used for all faxes originating
from Sharp MFPs that do not have a RightFax user ID specified.
If you plan to use a fax template that requires users to enter their
RightFax user ID when sending faxes, you do not need to
change this setting. However, if you plan to use Sharp’s generic
fax functionality or a template that does not require users to
enter a RightFax user ID, you must set this option to the user ID
that you want to be used by the RightFax server to send faxes.
9. After you have applied the licensing code for the Sharp MFP
10.Select “Sharp MFP” in the Available Modules list and then
click the Add button. If prompted to add additional components
required for this module, select OK. Click Next.
11.On the Wizard Summary screen, click Next.
If you want to use the default RightFax user ID “WALKUP,” you
must create this user ID in RightFax using Enterprise Fax
Manager. Alternatively, you can set the Default User Name
field to the name of an existing RightFax user ID. Regardless of
the user ID you specify, the user ID should be configured in
RightFax with the sending options that you want for all faxes
originating from Sharp MFPs. For information about creating
and configuring RightFax user IDs, refer to the RightFax
Administrator’s Guide.
16.In the Default To Name field, enter a name that will be used as
the name of the intended recipient on the fax cover sheet if no
recipient name is specified by the sender.
17. In the Default From Name field, enter a name that will be used
as the name of the sender on the fax cover sheet if no RightFax
user ID is specified by the sender.
18.Click Next. This opens the Print Notifications? screen.
19.Select Print Notification only if you want a transmission status
message to be automatically printed on the Sharp MFP each
time it is used. Click Next. This opens the Email Notifications?
20.Select Email Notifications only if you want a transmission
status message to be automatically e-mailed back to the sender.
If you select this option, you must also specify an SMTP server
name, a destination e-mail address to use when no e-mail
address is available for the sender, and a sender name for the
message. Click Next.
21.On the Wizard Summary screen, click Finish.
ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ
Chapter 1 Installing the RightFax MFP Module
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
Chapter 2
Configuring the Repository Folder
and RightFax Interface on the Sharp MFPs
Sharp MFPs must be configured in two ways before they will be
Create and Configure the Repository Folder
able to communicate with the RightFax server using the RightFax
MFP Module. You must configure the repository folder where the
Sharp device will store outbound documents intended for the
RightFax server, and you must create an interface on the Sharp
device that will allow users to input transmission data (such as the
destination fax number).
Important Your Sharp device includes configuration software can be
accessed via a Web browser. To access this software, you must know the
IP address of the Sharp device. If you have not already set up the Sharp
device so that this software is accessible you should do so now.
The repository folder must be located on an IIS server on your
network, and is configured as part of the IIS FTP settings. Before
you begin this procedure, ensure that the FTP component is
installed on the IIS server you want to use.
To create an interface for users on the Sharp device, you can
design a Metadata set, or you can use the Fax interface provided
on the Sharp device. Metadata sets include user input fields such
as destination fax number and user ID, and each user input field
has a keyword assigned to it that tells the RightFax server what
data is being entered in that field.
After you have created a repository folder on the IIS server, you
must configure the Sharp device to use this repository folder for
outbound fax documents regardless of the fax interface you want to
provide users on the Sharp device. If you choose to use the Fax
functionality built into the Sharp device, this is the only required
step. After this configuration has been completed, the Sharp
device will use the RightFax server when the Fax functionality is
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
To create the Sharp repository folder
To configure the repository folder on the Sharp device
1. On the IIS server, create a new folder called Sharp under
1. Open a Web browser and navigate to the IP address of the
Sharp device. This opens a page containing Sharp
configuration options.
2. Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > IIS
Manager. This runs the IIS Manager application.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the pane on the left and click Fax
Server. This opens the Fax Server Setup screen.
3. Expand FTP Sites in the tree in the left pane.
4. Right-click Default FTP Site and select Properties from the
Figure 2.1 Fax Server settings on the Sharp device
shortcut menu.
5. On the Default FTP Site Properties dialog box, click the Home
Directory tab.
6. If it is not already checked, enable the Write option to ensure
that the default FTP site has write permissions.
7. Close IIS Manager.
3. Check both options Enable Fax Server and Enable Metadata
4. Under Server1 Setup, in the Name field, enter the machine
name of the RightFax server.
5. In the Hostname or IP Address field, enter the IP address of
the IIS server where the repository folder is located.
6. In the FTP User Name field, enter the FTP user that the Sharp
device will use to access the FTP site.
7. In the Password field, type a password for the specified FTP
3. Click Metadata Setup under the Fax Server Setup heading,
and then click Add under New Metadata Set. This opens the
Metadata Set Control screen.
user if applicable.
8. In the Directory field, type \Sharp (this is the repository folder
you created under the \Inetpub\ftproot folder on the IIS server).
Figure 2.2 The Metadata Set Control screen for the Sharp device
9. Set Default File Format to TIFF G4.
10.The remaining settings under Server2 Setup are not used and
should not be changed. Click the Submit button at the bottom
of the screen to save and exit.
Create a RightFax User Interface on the Sharp
If you choose to use a custom RightFax user interface on the Sharp
device, you must create one or more custom Metadata sets that
include specific RightFax input fields.
To add a RightFax Metadata set
1. Open a Web browser and navigate to the IP address of the
Sharp device. This opens a page containing Sharp
configuration options.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the pane on the left and click Fax
Server. This opens the Fax Server Setup screen.
4. In the Display Name field, enter a name for the Metadata set as
it will appear on the Sharp device.
5. In the Fax Server field, enter the name of the RightFax server.
Chapter 2 Configuring the Repository Folder and RightFax Interface on the Sharp MFPs
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
Table 2a Valid prompt names to add to the form (Continued)
6. To add a prompt (a data entry field), you must enter a specific
RightFax keyword in the Metadata Field and the actual text that
will be displayed on the Sharp device in the Display Name
field. The following table lists all of the prompts that you can add
to the form. The Metadata Field text must match the RightFax
keyword exactly, however, you can enter any text you like in the
Display Name field.
Metadata Text
(RightFax Keyword) Description
The name of a RightFax phonebook, for
use when sending to multiple recipients.
The sender’s e-mail address where
transmission notifications will be sent.
Table 2a Valid prompt names to add to the form
You can add any prompts that you want to the form. The
appUserID and replyTo fields are recommended for all types of
faxing. The documentPassword field is required for sending
using the SecureDocs feature
Metadata Text
(RightFax Keyword) Description
The RightFax user ID of the sender. If
this prompt is left blank or not included
in the form, the Sharp will use the
default user ID that you specified when
configuring the RightFax MFP module.
7. After you enter the Display Name and Metadata Field text for
all of the prompts you want, click Submit. The Sharp’s display
panel should now allow access to the new Metadata set.
The RightFax password for the specified
user ID. A password is only required if
you include the appUserPasswordOn
Metadata field.
Sending a document from the Sharp device
Because the Metadata set is accessed from the fax menu on the
Sharp device, there are no Metadata fields for fax number or e-mail
address. These fields are built-in to the Sharp fax menu. You must
enter a destination fax number or e-mail address after completing
the Metadata set.
appUserPasswordOn A flag that indicates that a password will
be required for the RightFax user ID.
Billing code 1.
Billing code 2.
Sending a Document to a Phonebook Group
The name of the RightFax cover sheet
file to use.
If you want to send a document to multiple recipients at one time,
you must add the Metadata field “phonebookId” to a metadata set
and enter the phonebook group there. When you use this Metadata
field, you must also enter a number in the Fax Number field on the
Sharp device before the document will send. In all cases, the
phonebook group name must exist in the specified RightFax user’s
phonebook (or the default user’s phonebook if no RightFax user ID
is specified).
The password that will be used to
encrypt the PDF document when using
Subject text for documents that will be
transmitted to e-mail addresses. Enter a
maximum of 70 characters.
The sender’s name as it will appear on
the fax cover sheet.
RightFax phonebook groups are stored for each individual RightFax
user ID and can be viewed using the FaxUtil client. To view a list of
phonebook entries for a user, run FaxUtil as that user and select
Tools > Phonebook. This opens the Phonebook dialog box and a
list of phonebook groups appears in the top list pane.
By default, all documents sent to e-mail addresses will be sent
using SecureDocs, even if no document password is provided in
the Metadata set. If you want to use the Certified Delivery feature,
you must set this as the default send method in the RightFax MFP
If the phonebook group does not exist for the RightFax user being
used as the fax owner, the document will not transmit.
Note Setting Certified Delivery as the default send method in the
RightFax MFP Module will only affect documents sent to e-mail
addresses. Documents sent to fax numbers will transmit normally as
Caution When you send to a phonebook group, you will receive one
notification (by whatever notification method you have set up, described
on page 13) for every recipient in the phonebook group. This may result
in a large number of notifications for a single transmission event, but the
notifications are designed to let you know the transmission status for
each intended recipient.
To set Certified Delivery as the default send method
1. On the RightFax server, select Start > All Programs >
RightFax EDC Monitor to open the EDC Monitor application.
2. Select Tools > Advanced EDC Configuration to open the
Captaris EDC Configuration dialog box.
Using SecureDocs and Certified Delivery
3. Click the DataFlows tab.
The SecureDocs feature lets users scan documents and send
them to one or more e-mail addresses as encrypted PDF file
attachments. The recipient must have the PDF’s password in order
to view the document.
4. Select Sharp_MFP in the list of DataFlows and click Edit. This
opens the Sharp_MFP DataFlow dialog box.
5. Select FlowPoint #2, Send_RightFax_Fax, and click Edit. This
The Certified Delivery feature lets users scan documents and direct
them to your organization’s Certified Delivery Web site. The
recipient receives an e-mail message indicating that a document is
available with a link to the Certified Delivery Web site. The link
connects the user to the Web site where he can view all waiting
opens the Send_RightFax_Fax FlowPoint dialog box.
6. Click Configure Processor. This opens the RFSend FlowPoint
Settings dialog box.
Both SecureDocs and Certified Delivery must be installed and
configured on your RightFax server for these features to work. For
information on installing these RightFax features, see the RightFax
Installation Guide and the RightFax SecureDocs Module Guide.
Chapter 2 Configuring the Repository Folder and RightFax Interface on the Sharp MFPs
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
7. Click the Destination tab.
Figure 2.3 Setting Certified Delivery as the default send method
8. Select the option Certified Delivery.
Tip Selecting the Force Send Type option on this dialog box will
prevent other types of document transmission from functioning. If you
select Certified Delivery or SecureDocs and this option is checked,
documents sent to fax numbers will fail.
9. Save the changes and exit.
ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ
Chapter 3
Advanced Configuration Settings
in the Sharp DataFlow
Tip The External Document Connector has many configuration settings,
only a few of which are required to enable the Sharp Extension. This
chapter describes only the required configuration settings for the most
commonly used features. Some advanced settings in the External
Document Connector which are not discussed in this guide are used
mainly for troubleshooting and support purposes and do not apply to
normal operation of the RightFax MFP Module. To read a description of
any option, including the advanced options not discussed here, click the
[?] icon displayed in the title bar of each dialog box, and then click the
option you want described.
The RightFax MFP Module includes a software component called
the External Document Connector which is designed to act as a
communication link between RightFax servers and several
supported types of document-based hardware and software
systems. All of the configuration settings for the RightFax MFP
External Document Connector. For a general overview of the
External Document Connector component of the RightFax MFP
Module, see Appendix A, “Understanding the External Document
Although the External Document Connector supports extensions
for several types of hardware- and software-based document
products, this guide and all of the configuration settings it
discusses are specific to integrating RightFax with Sharp MFPs
Configure the Sharp MFP Module Settings
After the Sharp MFP module has been installed and configured in
the External Document Connector (described in Chapter 1,
“Installing the RightFax MFP Module”), Sharp documents should
begin being processed by the RightFax server. However, if you
need to change one or more configuration settings after
installation, you can access all of the Sharp MFP Module’s
configuration options throught the EDC Monitor.
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
Follow these steps to configure the Sharp MFP Module:
4. Select Sharp MFP in the list of modules and click Edit. This
opens the Sharp Module Configuration dialog box.
1. On the RightFax server, select Start > All Programs >
RightFax EDC Monitor to open the EDC Monitor application.
Figure 3.2 The Sharp Module Configuration dialog box
If the Sharp MFP module has been added correctly and the
services are running, then Sharp_Repository will appear in the
Sources pane along with Sharp status messages in the other
Figure 3.1 Sharp status messages in EDC Monitor
5. Select DeviceRepository and click Edit. This opens the Editing
Macro DeviceRepository dialog box.
Figure 3.3 Entering the location of the Sharp repository folder
2. Select Tools > Advanced EDC Configuration to open the
Captaris EDC Configuration dialog box.
3. Click the Modules tab.
The repository folder must be located on an IIS server on your
network and be a subfolder of the \Inetpub\ftproot folder. All of
the instructions in this guide assume that you will be using a
subfolder called Sharp.
In the Value field, type or browse to the path to the Sharp
repository folder on the IIS computer on your network. You may
specify either a UNC path or a folder name on a mapped or
local drive.
7. Select DefaultRightFaxUserID and click Edit. This opens the
Editing Macro DefaultRightFaxUserID dialog box.
Figure 3.5 Entering the default RightFax user ID
Click OK to return to the Sharp Module Configuration dialog
6. Select RightFaxServer and click Edit. This opens the Editing
Macro RightFaxServer dialog box.
Figure 3.4 Entering the location of the RightFax server
The Default RightFax user ID is set to WALKUP by default. This
is the RightFax user ID that will be used for all faxes originating
from Sharp MFPs that do not have a RightFax user ID specified.
If you plan to use a fax template that requires users to enter their
RightFax user ID when sending faxes, you do not need to
change this setting. However, if you plan to use Sharp’s generic
fax functionality or a template that does not require users to
enter a RightFax user ID, you must set this option to the user ID
that you want to be used by the RightFax server to send faxes.
In the Value field, type the name of the RightFax server which
the External Document Connector will use for transmitting
documents. By default, a dot appears in this field indicating that
the External Document Connector will use the RightFax server
on local machine. You only need to change this value if you want
the External Document Connector to use a RightFax server
installed on a different computer. Click OK to return to the
Sharp Module Configuration dialog box.
If you want to use the default user ID “WALKUP,” you must
create this user ID in RightFax using Enterprise Fax Manager.
Alternatively, you can set the Value field to the name of an
existing RightFax user ID. Regardless of the user ID you specify,
the user ID should be configured in RightFax with the sending
options that you want for all faxes originating from Sharp MFPs.
For information about creating and configuring RightFax user
IDs, refer to the RightFax Administrator’s Guide.
Click OK to return to the Sharp Module Configuration dialog
Chapter 3 Advanced Configuration Settings in the Sharp DataFlow
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
8. Select DefaultToName and click Edit. This opens the Editing
10.Select PrintNotification? and click Edit. This opens the Editing
Macro DefaultToName dialog box.
Macro PrintNotification? dialog box.
Figure 3.6 Entering the default destination recipient name
Figure 3.8 Specifying whether to print a transmission status
In the Value field, enter a name that will be used as the name of
the intended recipient on the fax cover sheet if no recipient
name is specified by the sender. Click OK to return to the
Sharp Module Configuration dialog box.
In the Value field, select Print a notification back to the
device if you want a transmission status message to be
automatically printed on the Sharp MFP each time it is used. If
you do not want a status message to print automatically, select
Do not print to the device. Click OK to return to the Sharp
Module Configuration dialog box.
9. Select DefaultFromName and click Edit. This opens the
Editing Macro DefaultFromName dialog box.
Figure 3.7 Entering the default sender name
11.Select EmailNotification? and click Edit. This opens the
Editing Macro EmailNotification? dialog box.
Figure 3.9 Specifying whether to send a transmission status
notification as an e-mail message
In the Value field, enter a name that will be used as the name of
the sender on the fax cover sheet if no RightFax user ID is
specified by the sender. Click OK to return to the Sharp
Module Configuration dialog box.
Figure 3.11 Specifying the from-name for e-mail notifications
In the Value field, select Email a notification back to the
sender if you want a transmission status message to be
automatically e-mailed to the sender each time a document is
sent. If you do not want a status message to be e-mailed to the
sender, select Do not email the sender. Click OK to return to
the Sharp Module Configuration dialog box. The remaining
configuration options discussed in this section are required only
if you selected the option to send notifications via e-mail.
12.Select EmailServer and click Edit. This opens the Editing
Macro EmailServer dialog box.
In the Value field, enter a name that will be used as the name of
the sender on e-mail notifications. Click OK to return to the
Sharp Module Configuration dialog box.
Figure 3.10 Specifying the name of the e-mail server
14.Select EmailSenderEmail and click Edit. This opens the
Editing Macro EmailSenderEmail dialog box.
Figure 3.12 Specifying the source e-mail address for e-mail
In the Value field, enter the name or IP address of an SMTP
server that will be used to route e-mail notification messages.
Click OK to return to the Sharp Module Configuration dialog
13.Select EmailSenderName and click Edit. This opens the
Editing Macro EmailSenderName dialog box.
In the Value field, enter an e-mail address that will be used as
the address of origin for e-mail notifications from the Sharp
device. Many SMTP servers, for security reasons, require a
sender’s e-mail address before processing a message. Click
OK to return to the Sharp Module Configuration dialog box.
15.Click Close to close the Sharp Module Configuration dialog
Chapter 3 Advanced Configuration Settings in the Sharp DataFlow
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
“Table 3a: Sharp Extension FlowPoints” describes all of the
FlowPoints in the Sharp_MFP DataFlow.
Configuring the Sharp_MFP FlowPoints
The Sharp_MFP DataFlow contains 18 numbered FlowPoints
specific to the Sharp Extension. Additional “Begin” and “End”
FlowPoints, generic to all DataFlows, are also included making a
total of 20 FlowPoints.
Table 3a Sharp Extension FlowPoints
FlowPoint Name
Initializes the DataFlow. No configuration
To open the list of Flowpoints in the Sharp_MFP DataFlow
Controls the sending of documents to
multiple recipients using RightFax
phonebooks. No configuration
1. On the RightFax server, select Start > All Programs >
RightFax EDC Monitor to open the EDC Monitor application.
2. Select Tools > Advanced EDC Configuration to open the
Captaris EDC Configuration dialog box.
Submits the document to the RightFax
Server. Lets you configure several
settings related to the metadata that is
sent to the RightFax server along with
the document.
3. Click the DataFlows tab.
4. Select Sharp_MFP in the list of DataFlows and click Edit. This
opens the Sharp_MFP DataFlow dialog box. This dialog box
lists all of the FlowPoints in the Sharp DataFlow.
Confirms that the document was
correctly sent to the RightFax server. No
configuration necessary.
Figure 3.13 The FlowPoints in the Sharp_MFP DataFlow
Monitors the RightFax server until the
document has been sent. Lets you
configure some settings related to
transmission timeouts.
Converts the sent images to graphic
formats for use by the
Process_Results_HTML FlowPoint.
Configuration options are disabled for
the Sharp Extension.
Determines if a print notification should
be generated. No configuration
Process_Results_HTML Creates an HTML-based results page.
No configuration necessary.
5. To edit a FlowPoint’s configuration settings, select the
FlowPoint in the list and click Edit.
Table 3a Sharp Extension FlowPoints (Continued)
FlowPoint Name Description
Table 3a Sharp Extension FlowPoints (Continued)
FlowPoint Name
Generate_Results_Image Converts the HTML results page to a
PNG image for use in notifications. No
Controls the sending of documents to
multiple recipients using RightFax
phonebooks. No configuration
configuration necessary.
Converts the results page to PCL format
for printing. Lets you configure printed
page specifications.
Controls the sending of documents to
multiple recipients using RightFax
phonebooks. No configuration
Sends the results page to a specified
network folder, print queue, HTTP port,
or FTP site. Lets you select and
configure the destination.
Terminates dataFlow and deletes
temporary files. No configuration
Check_For_Email_Notify Determines if an e-mail notification
should be generated. No configuration
Sending Delivery Notifications
Generate_Email_Subject Generates the subject line for e-mail
notifications. No configuration
A notification message about each transmission can be provided to
the user either as a printout or as an e-mail message.
Generates the body of the e-mail
notification. No configuration necessary.
Setting up print notifications
When you first configured the Sharp_MFP DataFlow, you had the
option to enable printed notifications (see page 13.) If you selected
this option, the Sharp Extension will automatically print a results
page on the same Sharp MFP from which the document was sent.
If you did not enable this option when you first configured the
Sharp Extension, you must do so to enable print notifications.
Sends the e-mail notification. Lets you
select the SMTP server and configure
several transmission defaults.
Check_For_Parent_Notify Controls the sending of documents to
multiple recipients using RightFax
phonebooks. No configuration
In addition, the Sharp device must have Port 9100 printing enabled
and you must configure the EDC to print to a Port 9100 printer.
Refer to your Sharp documentation for information on enabling Port
9100 printing.
Generate_Parent_Notify Controls the sending of documents to
multiple recipients using RightFax
phonebooks. No configuration
Chapter 3 Advanced Configuration Settings in the Sharp DataFlow
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
To configure Port 9100 printing in the EDC
9. Save the changes and exit.
1. On the RightFax server, select Start > All Programs >
Setting up e-mail notifications
E-mail notifications can be sent to Sharp users only if the user has
provided an e-mail address in the Reply To field on Metadata sets
that include this field (see “Create a RightFax User Interface on the
Sharp” on page 17).
2. Select Tools > Advanced EDC Configuration to open the
Captaris EDC Configuration dialog box.
3. Click the DataFlows tab.
When you first configured the Sharp_MFP DataFlow, you had the
option to enable e-mail notifications (see page 13.) If you did not
enable this option when you first configured the Sharp Extension,
you must do so to enable e-mail notifications.
4. Select Sharp_MFP in the list of DataFlows and click Edit. This
5. Select FlowPoint #10, Send_To_Printer, and click Edit. This
opens the Send_To_Printer FlowPoint dialog box.
6. Click Configure Processor. This opens the FileCopy Tasks
To configure e-mail notifications
dialog box.
1. On the RightFax server, select Start > All Programs >
7. Click Edit. This opens the FileCopy Task Options dialog box.
RightFax EDC Monitor to open the EDC Monitor application.
Figure 3.14 Configuring print notification options
2. Select Tools > Advanced EDC Configuration to open the
Captaris EDC Configuration dialog box.
3. Click the DataFlows tab.
4. Select Sharp_MFP in the list of DataFlows and click Edit. This
opens the Sharp_MFP DataFlow dialog box.
5. Select FlowPoint #14, Send_Email, and click Edit. This opens
the Send_Email FlowPoint dialog box.
8. Change the default setting in the URL field to {Device.IP}.
6. Click Configure Processor. This opens the Email FlowPoint
Understanding Filters
Settings dialog box.
Many of the Sharp_MFP FlowPoints let you configure filter options.
Filters define a subset of documents that will be processed by the
FlowPoint. Documents that do not meet the filter criteria will be
ignored by the FlowPoint and passed on to the next FlowPoint in
the chain.
Figure 3.15 Configuring e-mail notification options
Figure 3.16 Example of filter options on a FlowPoint configuration screen
7. Options on the Server tab contain macro data that uses the
information specific to the user that is receiving the notification.
You can change the options so that all notifications are sent to a
single address.
By default, the Process all jobs option is selected for most
FlowPoints and no filters are configured, so all documents will be
8. The options on the remaining tabs in this dialog box let you
specify the message subject text and other details, and
configure some SMTP server timeout settings. For information
on how to complete any of the fields on this dialog box, click the
[?] icon displayed in the title bar and then click the option you
want described.
Warning All FlowPoints that use the GenPCL and FileCopy
processors have a “KeywordExists” exclude filter that prevent the
DataFlow from failing if a keyword in the job file from the previous
FlowPoint doesn't exist. Although you can add additional filters to these
FlowPoints, you should leave these filters unchanged.
9. Save the changes and exit.
To create a filter, specifying whether jobs should be explicitly
included or explicitly excluded by the FlowPoint, select Process
only the jobs specified by the filters.
If you want to process only the jobs that meet your filter criteria,
specify filter data (keywords) in the Include box. If you want to
process most jobs, but specifically exclude jobs that meet your
filter criteria specify filter data in the Exclude box. Criteria in the
Exclude box will be evaluated by the connector first, and it will
override criteria in the Include box.
Chapter 3 Advanced Configuration Settings in the Sharp DataFlow
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
The keywords and data are not case-sensitive. To enter a string of
keywords and data, type a semicolon between each keyword and
value pair. The semicolon acts as a logical OR statement, so
documents that meet any one of your keyword criteria will be
Table 3b Common keywords used for filtering (Continued)
The unique ID of the
document, assigned by
the RightFax server.
To filter documents, the data values for the keyword must match the
RightFax document data. For example, to process all documents
that include the user ID “sales,” documents with the user ID
“sales23” will not be imported.
The RightFax user ID of {userid}=sales
the person who sent the
You can create filters based on any keyword in the job file. You can
view many of these keywords by opening the sample sent and
received fax job files you create with the External Document
Connector. The sample job files are saved in the Program Files
\RightFax\EDC\Modules\RightFax folder and can be viewed with
any text editor. These files have the extension .job. The following
table lists some of the keywords most commonly used for creating
In some cases, the same filter must be added in several related
FlowPoints in order to work as expected. This is true for FlowPoints
7 through 10, which all manage print notifications, and for
FlowPoints 12 through 14, which all manage e-mail notifications. If
you add a filter to any of these FlowPoints, you must also add the
same filter to its related FlowPoints.
Table 3b Common keywords used for filtering
ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ
Billing information from
the RightFax document.
Job types are:
ꢀ SendJob
ꢀ ReceiveJob
ꢀ PrintJob
{RemoteCSID} The remote caller
subscriber ID (CSID) of
the RightFax document.
Appendix A
Understanding the
External Document Connector
To run the EDC Monitor program, select Start > Programs >
RightFax EDC Monitor. The EDC Monitor program window
Overview of the External Document Connector
The External Document Connector (EDC) is a module for the
RightFax server that monitors the MFP repository folder for
documents to process and transmit. The External Document
Connector processes documents using a set of steps called a
“DataFlow.” The DataFlow is comprised of several distinct
processes called “FlowPoints.” Each FlowPoint monitors a specific
folder for fax documents, acts on the documents, and then passes
them on to the next FlowPoint.
Figure 3.17 The External Document Connector Monitor
Using the EDC Monitor
The External Document Connector includes a management tool
called the External Document Connector Monitor (EDC Monitor).
Use the EDC Monitor to monitor the status of the connectors and
processors under the control of the EDC, add and delete
processor services, and configure the EDC components.
Caution The EDC Monitor application does not display errors that
occur with individual processors. It will only report specific job files that
have encountered errors. To check for errors in the External Document
Connector’s processors, you must review the Event Log.
Installed MFP Module extensions are listed in the top left pane, and
the DataFlow and individual FlowPoints are displayed in the bottom
left pane. In the top right pane, all of the processors that are
Appendix A Understanding the External Document Connector
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
required by the FlowPoints are listed, and the separate instances of
each processor are listed in the bottom right pane. Current status
information is displayed for all objects listed in the EDC Monitor.
The following table defines each of the status columns in the right
Monitoring the Processor Services
The EDC Manager and all of the individual processors that are
managed by the External Document Connector are installed as
services. The EDC Monitor can be used to view the status of these
services and to add and remove services.
Table A1 EDC Monitor Status Definitions
To monitor the status of the External Document Connector
processor services
1. On the RightFax server, select Start > Programs > RightFax
The External Document Connector component’s
status. Possible values are:
EDC Monitor. The EDC Monitor program window opens.
2. Select Tools > Services. This opens the Services dialog box.
ꢀ Failed - The component has shut down.
ꢀ Hung - The component is no longer responding.
ꢀ Job Errors - Errors prevented the image from
Figure 3.18 The Services dialog box
ꢀ OK - The image was processed successfully.
The total number of fax images that have been
processed by this component.
The total number of jobs currently queued for
processing by this component.
The total number of processing errors that have
been logged by this component.
The current active state of the component.
Possible values are:
ꢀ Idle - The component is currently inactive.
ꢀ Processing Job- The component is currently
processing a job.
ꢀ Paused- The component has been paused. No
This dialog box displays the status of the EDC Manager service
(which controls all of the processors) as well as the status of the
individual processors.
jobs will be processed.
ꢀ Shut Down- The component service is currently
To start or stop a service, select the service name and click
Start Service or Stop Service. To start or stop all of the
services, select the computer name at the top of the list and
click Start All Services or Stop All Services.
Adding and removing processors
5. Under Login Account, enter the user name and password of
the user account that the service will use to start up. This user
account should have full administrative privileges to the
computer you selected in step 3.
You can run a maximum of 16 of each type of processor.
Processors can be run on the same computer that runs the External
Document Connector (the RightFax server) or on remote
computers to take advantage of the additional processor power.
6. Click OK.
Note Although it is possible to install and configure more than 16 of
each type of processor, only 16 of each will actually function at any given
Note If you are adding processors to a remote computer and you
receive the message “EDC Manager has not been properly
configured to allow services to be installed,” or if the services fail to
start, see the following section on adding processes to a remote
To add new instances of a processor
1. Run the EDC Monitor and select Tools > Services to open the
If you are adding processors to a remote computer
Services dialog box.
To run External Document Connector processors, a remote
computer must know how to locate certain folders on the RightFax
server used by the processors. You must enter the share names of
these folders in the RightFax External Document Connector
Manager Configuration before you will be able to run the processor
on remote computers.
2. If you want to add the service to a remote computer that is not
listed, click Add Computer and specify the name of the remote
3. Select the computer to which you want to add the service and
click Add Service. This opens the Add a Service dialog box.
Figure 3.19 The Add a Service Dialog Box
4. Under Services, select the type of service to add.
Appendix A Understanding the External Document Connector
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
To remove processors
1. Run the EDC Monitor and select Tools > Advanced EDC
Configuration to open the Captaris EDC Configuration dialog
1. Run the EDC Monitor and select Tools > Services to open the
Services dialog box.
2. Click the System button. This opens the EDC System Settings
2. Select the service name.
dialog box.
3. Click Stop Service.
Figure 3.20 Specifying the remote paths that let you add processes to
remote computers
4. When the service is stopped, click Remove Service.
ꢀ ꢀ ꢀ
3. In the Root Directory box, enter the UNC path to the share
name of the RightFax\EDC folder on the computer on which the
External Document Connector is installed (the RightFax server).
Example \\RFSERV\Program Files\RightFax\EDC
4. In the Shared Directory box, enter the UNC path to the share
name of the RightFax\Shared Files folder on the computer on
which the External Document Connector is installed (the
RightFax server).
Example \\RFSERV\Program Files\RightFax\Shared Files
send to a phonebook group 18
Sharp MFP
add processors 33-34
installing the MFP Module 10-13
configuration 21-25
requirements 10
supported models 10
supported Sharp MFPs 10
MFP Module
FlowPoints 26-27
Sharp MPF module 21-25
downloading 11
installing 10-13
monitor services 32
downloading the MFP Module 11
adding processors 33-34
EDC Monitor 31-34
monitoring services 32
removing services 34
EDC Monitor
adding 33-34
remote 33
running 31
removing 33-34
status fields overview 32
External Document Connector See EDC
remote processors 33
remove processors 34
RightFax MFP Module See MFP Module
RightFax requirements 10
FlowPoints, configuring 26-27
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension
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